American Sophrology TM

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Mind Your Self - #MindYourSelfie

Mind Your Selfie is a campaign to promote positive mental health awareness.  The idea is to take a selfie doing something that you love to promote positivity and self awareness of when we are happy.

This very much reflects the ideals of sophrology - the word which is derived from Greek and means: ‘The Study of Conscious Harmony’. So when we practice sophrology, we are more aware of what we feel. We work always towards the positive. How many happy moments did you actually really experience how they feel? Next time, take a moment to let sink in and notice how great the body and mind feel at that moment and expand those positive feelings and sensations. By consciously noticing how we feel, we can re-experience them again at any time, as we took this ‘snapshot’.

Sophrology is such an easy accessible method that is gaining popularity. It is now available in the USA and you don’t have to be in Arizona to do a session. Try Sophrology from the comfort of your home.

Telephone sessions can be booked by calling or texting 1-480-353-7382. Or email me at to book a session.

First time clients’ special offer is $49.

Mind Yourselves