American Sophrology TM


Sophrology is a blend of breathing techniques, mindfulness, phenomenology, visualization and dynamic relaxation exercises. It was inspired by hypnosis and developed originally for Veterans with PTSD and people with depression.

It is now more developed and is practiced widely to manage stress and anxiety, improve sleep, improve mental focus, increase sports ability, find deep relaxation for the body and mind and heal the body from the modern age of living with daily stress.
— Niamh Lyons
Special Offer First Time Clients! Two sophrology sessions for $140! (Value $170)

Special Offer for first time clients! Two sophrology sessions for the price of $140 (value of $170).

This offer is for first time clients. It includes full consultation introductory session, and a second session. It is for anyone who has never tried sophrology before.

Your Sophrology session is over the phone from the comfort of your home. So not only do you get to profit and prolong your completely relaxed state, you are social distancing.

Text 480-353-7382 to schedule a free 10 minute consult and to set up appointment.

All you need is a hands-free telephone and a quiet space.

It is also advised to wear comfortable clothing and to avoid eating a large meal prior to the session.

Note: This special offer once purchased must be used within 3 months of purchase.

Niamh Lyons is one of the first Certified Sophrologists to bring Sophrology to the USA

No need to leave your home, sessions are over the phone

There are two ways to manage stress and anxiety. You can take medication OR you can practice Sophrology.
— Popular quote by French doctors


For Inner Calm

Practice Sophrology

Click Here!

Sophrology feels like a massage for your mind that relaxes and sharpens it at the same time.
— Niamh Lyons, American Sophrology

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Release Stress

Improve Your Immune System

Are you dealing with stress due to Covid-19 or suffering with anxiety due to wearing a mask or just worried about you or your family contracting Covid-19? Sophrology helps manage your life challenges so that you can live your life with a clear calm mind and relaxed body. Unable to Sleep? Sophrology helps. Want to lose weight? Try Sophrology. Bring back joy into your life with this easy method.

Sophrology is easy to practice.

30 seconds.. 1 minute.. 5 minutes.. 10 minutes? You decide how much time you can dedicate during your day.

Want to learn more?

What is Sophrology?

Sophrology is a discipline that boosts mental strength while consciously relaxing the body. This relaxation therapy blends mindfulness, breathing techniques, gentle movement and visualization.  It is used as a stress management tool increasing inner calm and mental satisfaction as the mind reaches a deep sense of relaxation.  This feeling of calm can last hours even weeks afterwards.

Why Sophrology?

Cause it’s EASY! We get to go on a mind vacation and experience the deepest level of zen while relaxing the body completely! It lowers blood pressure, calms the nervous system, helps regenerate body and brain cells. So not only are we helping avoid long term mental exhaustion, we are increasing mental strength to help us deal with life’s challenges: be it stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, grief, depression, PTSD, emotional pain and.. even boredom!

Where is Sophrology practiced?     

At home, on our way to work, at the office, in school, sitting on a bench eating lunch, lying in bed, standing in line at the bank, sitting on a chair.. It doesn’t require any special gear and it doesn’t require any special set up. So it’s easy for everyone to try it.

Why have I not heard of it before?

It’s been Europe’s best kept secret since the 1960s! It’s now available in the USA in person and via phone. So you don’t have to be doing it in person to learn how to practice it. Niamh Lyons, the founder of American Sophrology has developed Sophrology to make it more accessible to everyone all over the United States. If you have a telephone, and can be hands-free, you are in for a treat! Enjoy it from the comfort of your home!

What Are The Benefits?

OK So, there is a big long list on the Benefits Page, but briefly, essentially what is happening when you practice Sophrology is, your body goes into a deep state of relaxation. It goes to a place where you are feeling like you are asleep but you are still awake. As you have consciously relaxed the body completely, the mind is also completely relaxed. So now your body can release stress, tension and anxiety in order to welcome absolute utter mind and body bliss! At the same time you can rejuvenate the cells and release toxins! The scary part is once you’ve done it you realize how much stress your mind and body has been holding prior to this. But once you have learnt sophrology you have the tools to blast it away, or at least manage it.

famous Fans practicing it

Arianna Huffington is a fan! She recently tweeted her word of the day was “Sophrology.” She knows a lot about managing stress and how important it is to rest the mind. She even wrote a book all about why it’s important to relax the mind #thrive #ariannahuffington #huffingtonpost.

Many French & Swiss national sports teams use it for mental preparation in competition. Those who have publicly spoken about it include: Seve Ballesteros, Sergio Garcia, Yannick Noah & Serge Betsen. All top athletes practice some kind of mental strengthening method - it gives them the edge to win as they are calm mentally! BUT.. shush cause most who practiced sophrology only came out about it, after they retired.

Sophrology is first suggested by French and Swiss doctors as a method to deal with depression, manage stress and anxiety, to patients without use of medication.

It is recommended by oncologists to practice prior to undergoing cancer treatment. It helps relax the body in order for it to be at the best state to responding to treatment, and for healing purposes. Sophrology is an excellent relaxation method to use prior to any surgery.







Sophrology Increases:


❖Concentration & Focus

❖Relaxation & Downtime


❖Awareness & Intuition

❖Inner Calm & Happiness

❖Improved Sleep

Sophrology Manages:

❖Stress & Anxiety

❖Fears & Phobias

❖Peak Performance for Sport

❖Stage Fright

Click here to read more about Kids and Sophrology

Testimonials from the mouths of babes:

“I love Sophrology - it makes you feel so good!  If everyone did sophrology it would make everyone calm and people wouldn’t be so stressed out.”

“Sophrology is like a portable cup – you can bring it anywhere – you can practice it anywhere.”

“Sophrology is like poaching an egg. Instead of just cracking the egg in the water, you have to put it slowly in the water and that is kind of what Sophrology does”.

The Sophro Girls, Big Sis and Little Sis describe what is Sophrology and why everyone should practice it. To see more from them, check out the Blog Page.

Zen Corner

The name Sophrology comes from the Greek words SOS, PHREN, LOGOS that means the study of harmony and consciousness. Enjoy a moment of harmony at the Zen Corner. 

Click here to enjoy more zen moments


Click here to read how people have applied Sophrology to their daily lives.


“I thought I was going to fall asleep but I was still alert and following the exercise! Your voice is mesmerizing and I was completely relaxed. I didn’t want it to end.”

“I found I was able to intuitively relax myself prior to doing things that would otherwise stress me out greatly.”

“I have noticed a lot more about myself and people around me that otherwise I wouldn’t have become aware of, prior to practicing sophrology.”

“Sophrology helped me in a time when nothing else could. I am now back to living my life as a semi-normal teenager. I am honestly so thankful.”

“My life is on a happier pathway since I started practicing sophrology.”

To read more about benefits click here.

Click here to read my story.

A Brief History of Sophrology

Sophrology has been around since 1960. It was created initially by Professor Alfonso Caycedo, to help war veterans with PTSD, and people suffering from depression to reach optimal health and happiness without use of drugs. For more on the history of sophrology, click here.

What happens during a session? Click here to find out

Our conscious awareness is only 5% but there is 95% on the side-lines always participating! Sophrology is a tool that will increase your mental awareness. It will help you deal with moments of stress or urgency so that you can act in a calm manner instead of reacting in a panic. Building our mental awareness makes us sharper, more mindful, more centered and more peaceful.




❖Exam Nerves

❖Hyperactivity & ADHD


❖Liberate Performance Nerves

❖How to Be Calm under Pressure

❖Learn to Calm Your Child for Bedtime


❖Study Time



❖Mental Strength


Niamh Lyons is the Founder of American Sophrology LLC and is one of the first Certified Sophrologists working in the United States. She created American Sophrology to create a simpler style of Sophrology for people in the USA. It has been developed from the Caycedian style of sophrology in order to make it easier to use. Read her story by clicking here.



FOR contact and costs CLICK HERE


American Sophrology LLC is the only dedicated Sophrology practice in Arizona

Established in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2014